Hannover Institute of Technology Structure News
Record attendance at the Nacht, die Wissen schafft

Record attendance at the Nacht, die Wissen schafft

On November 4, Leibniz Universität Hannover opened its doors from 6 p.m. to midnight and invited citizens from the city and region to explore science. Researchers and teachers from all faculties offered hands-on research, interactive activities and entertainment.

The Cluster of Excellence QuantumFrontiers, the Collaborative Research Center TerraQ and the Quantum Valley Lower Saxony network also presented themselves as places of science, opened their laboratories, explained research and presented quantum education activities for schoolchildren, students and professionals.

More than 400 guests visited the Hannover Institute of Technology (HITec) and toured large-scale research equipment such as the Einstein Elevator and the VLBAI atomic fountain. The atomic clock laboratory and presentations on glass fiber production and gravimetry were also very popular. The model of a pair of satellites for measuring the Earth's gravitational field, which TerraQ researchers had set up in the atrium of the university, was also a particular eye-catcher.